Deep Dive into Nuxt 3 Server Side Data Fetching: Handling the Contextual Error with Composables

Deep Dive into Nuxt 3 Server Side Data Fetching: Handling the Contextual Error with Composables


Nuxt.js has long been a popular framework for creating server-side rendered (SSR) Vue.js applications. With the release of Nuxt 3, developers gained access to exciting new features and improvements. However, while working with Nuxt 3 and utilizing the useAsyncData composable, I encountered a perplexing error that took some time to understand and resolve.

In this article, I will share my experience with the useAsyncData composable, outline the error I faced, and discuss the solution I found.

The Error

A composable that requires access to the Nuxt instance was called outside of a plugin, Nuxt hook, Nuxt middleware, or Vue setup function

  • During my exploration of Nuxt 3's data fetching capabilities, I discovered the useAsyncData composable, which is designed to simplify fetching data asynchronously on the server-side.

  • However, when I attempted to use multiple composables within the asyncData hook, I encountered the following error: "A composable that requires access to the Nuxt instance was called outside of a plugin, Nuxt hook, Nuxt middleware, or Vue setup function."

// composables/useArticle.js 

return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
// useArticleById and useFeaturedArticleId both needs useDirectusItems() composable methods. 
// Error occurs 
    const featureArticleId = await useFeaturedArticleId(); // first composable 

    const featuredArticle = await useArticleById( // second composable. Nuxt instance is lost here 


export const useArticleById = (id, getItemById) => {
// In this method, Nuxt instance is lost and causes Error. 
// Cannot call composable anymore. 
    const { getItemById } = useDirectusItems();

    return getItemById({
        collection: "xyz_articles",
        params: {

export const useFeaturedArticleId = () => {
    return useArticleSettings().then((settings) => {
        return settings.featured_article;

Understanding the Error

  • It's important to grasp the context in which Nuxt 3 data fetching functions operate.

  • Nuxt.js utilizes server middleware and plugins to set up the application's environment before rendering the components.

  • The useAsyncData composable, along with other composables, relies on this setup to function properly.

  • Consequently, when attempting to call multiple composables directly within the useAsyncData hook, the error arises because the necessary Nuxt instance context is missing.

The Solution

  • I devised a solution that involved rearranging the way I called the composables within the useAsyncData hook.

  • By calling the neccessary composables at start of method and passing it in respective composables, I was able to ensure that the required composables had access to the Nuxt instance.

  • Here's an example of how I implemented the solution

// composables/useArticle.js 

return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
    const { getItemById } = useDirectusItems(); // Using the neccessary composable at start

    const featureArticleId = await useFeaturedArticleId(); // first composable 

    const featuredArticle = await useArticleById( // second composable. Nuxt instance is lost here 


// ...other composables same except remove the getItemById since it is available at start of composable

Important Information

  • ❌ Don't use asyncData hook. As mentioned in documentation, Recommended method is <script setup> instead of options API. I have personally experienced the issues faced using the options API asyncData hook ( Your data will not load in some components )


  • Working with Nuxt 3 and the useAsyncData composable can provide significant advantages for server-side data fetching.

  • However, it's important to be aware of the error that can occur when calling multiple composables directly within the asyncData hook.

  • By understanding the underlying cause of the error and implementing a solution developers can avoid this issue and leverage the power of Nuxt 3's data fetching capabilities.

  • By sharing my experience and providing a solution to the error I encountered, I hope to assist fellow developers in navigating similar challenges and enable them to fully leverage the capabilities of Nuxt 3.